By Dr. Kevin Ende
January 13, 2020
Kevin Ende, MD has several exciting and safe ways to give you fuller, more beautiful lips. However, if you received silicone lip injections for your lip augmentation in the United States or another country, you may find yourself disfigured and in pain now. Although silicon can not be dissolved, Dr. Ende can help you with the pain and swelling with a simple injection at first, but many patients will also need silicon injection removal. The silicon itself does not grow, but many patients get painful inflammatory tissue that surrounds the silicon which is called a siliconoma. If performed well, silicon lip injections are often ok, but even if they are performed perfectly, some patients will still have issues. There are many other ways to help your lips that are much much safer. Silicon removal surgeries are very difficult and often require 2 or 3 sessions to remove all of the problem areas. Kevin Ende, MD has tremendous experience removing silicon from patients with a high success rate. If you haven't already done silicon injections, don't start now! Speak with Dr. Ende about safer lip injections, lip implants or a lip lift.